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TAB Reader 7.0 is a new major version introducing support for ArcGIS Pro 3.3, new TAB to ArcGIS geoprocessing tool and a lot of improvements in support for MapInfo data.

Find an appropriate TAB Reader version for your ArcGIS Pro.

Find an appropriate TAB Reader version for your ArcGIS.

TAB Reader 6.2 is a new minor update introducing support for ArcGIS 10.8.2 and ArcGIS Pro 3.0, and a lot of improvements in support for MapInfo data and workspaces.

TAB Reader 6.1 is a new minor update introducing support for ArcGIS 10.8 and ArcGIS Pro 2.5, improvements in support for MIF datasets and polyline symbol styles, and opportunity for plug-in data source layers to be exported to TAB.

TAB Reader 6 is a new major release. Based on the new GDAL engine it introduces new TAB Reader version for ArcGIS Pro, new subscription license type and many bug fixes and improvements in working with MapInfo data and workspaces in ArcGIS.

TAB Reader 5.5 is a new minor update introducing support for ArcGIS 10.7 and improvements in support for MapInfo workspaces.

TAB Reader 5.4 is a new minor update introducing a few changes and new features, including support for ArcGIS 10.6, extended support for TAB files and MapInfo workspaces.

TAB Reader 5.3 is a new minor update introducing a number of changes and new features, including support for ArcGIS 10.5, updated UI, extended support for TAB files and MapInfo thematic maps and more.

We have significantly revised the new version of TAB Reader. Now it includes a number of new control elements which enhance the usability of TAB Reader in workflow, management of MapInfo symbology library, as well as geoprocessing tools and other useful features.

Besides improvements of existing functionality, TAB Reader 5 offers new data conversion tools which are geoprocessing tools, extended support for MapInfo workspaces and symbols, redesigned interface and more!